Water deferrizer Iceberg 1054 capacity up to 1.0 m3/hour set
Purpose: Removal of iron and manganese from water.
Description: The unit consists of a housing, Runxin automatic control unit, filter medium, gravel support layer, drainage and distribution system.
Operating principle: Pressure filters with a granular filter media serving as a catalyst for an oxidation reaction in which iron and manganese dissolved in the water are converted to an insoluble form and precipitated. The precipitate is retained in the layer of filter media and subsequently washed into the drain during backwashing. Before entering the filters, the source water should be subjected to preliminary aeration for effective oxidation of iron and manganese.
Requirements for source water:
- total iron - not more than 50 mg/l;
- manganese - not more than 2.5 mg/l;
- hydrogen pH ≥ 6.8;
- petroleum products - absence;
- permanganate oxidizability - not more than 6.0 mg/l;
- total alkalinity - not less than 2.5 mmol/l; alkalinity should exceed more than 2 times the total concentration of sulfates and chlorides;
- dissolved oxygen content 20% higher than the content of total iron (or iron and manganese);
- hydrogen sulfide and sulfides - not more than 0.3 mg/l;
- temperature - 5-35°C.