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Buy a water de-ironizer

Water deironizer Iceberg. Water deferrizer from a well is used in industrial enterprises of different spheres of activity, as well as in private houses (cottages).

Purpose: Removal of iron and manganese from water.

Design: filter housing, automatic control valve, deferrization material, supporting layer of gravel, drainage and distribution system.

Operating principle: Deironing of water is carried out by filtration through the filtering material in combination with one of the methods of water pretreatment - aeration (pressure or non-pressure), coagulation and clarification, introduction of oxidizing agents - chlorine, sodium or calcium hypochlorite, ozone, potassium permanganate.

Requirements to the initial water:

  • total iron - not more than 50 mg/l
  • manganese - not more than 2.5 mg/l;
  • hydrogen pH ≥ 6.8;
  • petroleum products - absence;
  • permanganate oxidizability - not more than 6.0 mg/l;
  • total alkalinity - not less than 2.5 mmol/l; alkalinity should exceed more than 2 times the total concentration of sulfates and chlorides;
  • dissolved oxygen content 20% higher than the content of total iron (or iron and manganese);
  • hydrogen sulfide and sulfides - not more than 0.3 mg/l;
  • temperature - 5-35°C.

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Water Purification Solutions
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Buy a water de-ironizer

From the contents of this article you will learn:

1. What is dangerous iron in the water

2. Ways of purification

3. Selection of equipment

4. Conclusions and recommendations

Water is subject to constant contamination. And this applies not only to surface sources, but also to wells. Even tap water contains a lot of harmful elements. The reasons vary from untreated effluents from industrial enterprises to poor-quality water treatment at boiler plants. A particularly frequent "guest" of iron and manganese. These elements are almost always present in any water in different concentrations.

1. What is the danger of iron in water?

In itself, the element of iron is completely harmless and even useful, but within the norm. When the concentration is exceeded, the opposite action begins. Iron molecules are able to act destructively on everything at once. For humans, it's a health hazard. For devices and equipment - breakdown. The human body has a balanced composition of trace elements. And the excess or deficiency of one of them causes failure. So, the presence of a large amount of iron suppresses copper, which is an essential substance. In addition to hormonal disorders, problems with the immune system and digestion begin. Chronic disorders are manifested. In the case of plumbing, the pipes suffer first of all. Corrosive deposits are formed, which, over time, destroy the walls. Household appliances are also corroded and fail. Not only household equipment, but also industrial systems are affected. Only there the damage from contaminated water is much higher.
Independently determine the presence of signs of iron in the water is not always possible. It depends on its type and concentration. Iron is in water of four types: colloidal, bacterial, trivalent and divalent. Divalent iron is dissolved and such water is transparent. It is in this form that the substance resides in well water. Trivalent, insoluble, it becomes when the medium is oxidized. The oxidizer can be oxygen or chemical substances. In the undissolved form in the water, a precipitate appears in the water and it acquires a red color. The color can vary depending on the concentration and the presence of other impurities. Bacterial type is characterized in the presence of special bacteria. Determine this type of ferrous compounds can be determined by sedimentation. A thin film will begin to form on the surface. Colloidal type is quite small particles of iron compounds with organic elements. The most difficult to remove variant. As a rule, reagents are used.

Fig. 1 Types of iron

2. Cleaning methods

Before selecting equipment, it is necessary to decide on the method of purification. There are several of them, and each of them effectively removes iron and manganese in certain segments. First, a chemical analysis of the water is carried out, to determine the composition and concentration of the substance. This is a prerequisite for the entire water treatment system. Next, the capacity is determined. For a cottage and production, it will naturally be different. In most cases, the water contains dissolved divalent iron.

The first method is aeration. Oxygen is a good oxidizer and allows you to change the type of iron to trivalent. It comes in pressurized and non-pressurized forms. The difference is in the method of saturation with air. In the case of pressure aeration, oxygen is supplied by a compressor. And in the case of non-pressurized water is saturated with it atomization. Air is fed into the aeration column, the medium is oxidized and precipitates. The pump pumps the oxidized water with sludge further to the pressure filter with a load, which is a catalyst and filter at the same time. The water is purified from the sludge and then it goes to the consumer. It can be used for small iron concentrations. It is more suitable for country houses.


Fig.2 Pressure and non-pressure water aeration

The second method is coagulation. In this case, coagulants serve as oxidizing agents. They are added to the water and they remove the negative charge of the particles, allowing them to stick together. The particles become larger and are trapped by the loading. This method allows the water to be purified from colloidal iron.

Fig. 3 Contact coagulation

The third method is chemical. Special reagents are used: chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, potassium permanganate. They are also oxidizing agents and after the chemical reaction the iron disintegrates. Can be used at very high iron concentrations. More often used in manufacturing plants.

Fig. 4 Non-pressure chlorination

The fourth method is ozonation. For this method, ozonizer devices are installed in which ozone gas is produced. Then it is saturated with water for oxidation. Further occurs precipitation, which can be removed.
Each of the methods is universal in its own way. When using reagents, in addition to deironing, disinfection takes place. With aeration, the water is saturated with oxygen. Coagulation is able to eliminate organic contaminants. The disadvantages of the methods are different. Aeration is too long a process and can be used at low iron levels. Chemicals require precise calculations and dosing, and this is the installation of controllers. Proper disposal of wastewater is mandatory. Ozonation requires a special device, which is not cheap. But one way or another, each method allows you to effectively purify any water from iron impurities.

3. Selection of equipment

Most often, to purify water from iron impurities, a deferrizer is used. This is a filter, a column filled with a load. The load can be any substances, depending on the manufacturer. The main function of these devices is a catalyst. They dookidize water to the complete transition of iron molecules into an undissolved form and pass through a special material. All sediment remains on the filter, and the purified water passes further to the consumer. Combined with one of the methods of pre-oxidation. Such devices consist of a tank, a load, an automatic valve and a drainage system. In constant operation, the filter material is filled with iron impurities and needs to be cleaned. If there is an automatic valve, this process starts automatically. In its absence, it will be necessary to monitor the loading and flushing manually. A better option would be to install a valve in which the data is prescribed in advance and the program is set up. It depends on the initial settings for time or volume of water passed. During flushing, the reverse flow of water is switched on, which loosens the filter material and washes out all impurities. Next, a direct flow comes in, compacting the media. The used water is discharged to the drain. Over time, there is less filtering material and it is necessary to refill it to the set mark. It is desirable not to mix different loads together for more efficient operation. Each device has its own capacity and is suitable for certain water characteristics. Therefore, when choosing equipment, it is again worth relying on the initial data. All technical characteristics of the equipment are specified in the manufacturer's passport. If desired, additional accessories can be added to simplify the work.

4. Conclusions and recommendations

Selecting a method of water purification from iron and manganese is a difficult process for non-professionals. There are many nuances, non-compliance with which can lead to improper purification, and therefore uselessness of the system. It is recommended to rely on the following criteria:
System performance. Each method requires its own time to oxidize the medium. For example, the method of aeration is quite long. The use of chemical means is much faster.
Average costs. Calculation of average figures for a single case of water intake and treatment. These data will affect the amount of consumables.
Specifics of equipment. Each type of equipment has its own requirements for source water and external factors.
Place of operation. In what sphere the equipment will be used. For country houses or industrial production.
Calculating the cost of equipment and additional components. Calculations for reagents.
As previously stated, the choice of method is a rather complex task. If you try to do everything yourself, you can make a number of gross mistakes. For example, do not take into account the productivity or water temperature. Therefore, the best option will be the help of specialists. Thanks to their experience and knowledge will help to select the appropriate water treatment system based on the basic technical data and features of the purpose.

Below is a video on assembling a deironizer water filter

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